Friday, April 22, 2005

keep your eyes peeled.

adam kotsko et al are about to have a Ratzinger week over at the weblog. this is one of the few weblogs (the others being k-punk and symposiasts, of course) that i regularly read even when not keeping up with any of the rest. many of the contributors are post-grad theology types and they all have an interest in leftist/marxist critique, which is A GOOD THING. be sure to check it out.

speaking of which, i concur heartily with k-punk on ratzinger. how is it possible that people believe they can feasibly argue that the church's position on contraception etc. should alter, because "things have changed" and "technology has moved forward" since Biblical times? the catholic church should be criticised because it is selectively dogmatic, not because it isn't 'democratic'. furthermore, these people telling me during conversations about the new pope that the church should acknowledge that it is 'a man-made institution', or that ratzinger shouldn't say that only catholicism is the true faith... are these people nuts?! can they not see even the slightest problem with effectively arguing that the church should get in line with secular consensus? really.

to come:
1. major reformatting. this layout is just horrible.
2. the addition of another contributor to &so this is christmas. well, maybe.


Blogger voyou said...

"can they not see even the slightest problem with effectively arguing that the church should get in line with secular consensus"

To be fair, though, isn't this the central point of secularism? See, for example, Spain's new gay-marriage laws, which, if TV reports are to be believed, my require Catholic priests to marry gay couples.

What's new, and ridiculous, is the way in which people are _affronted_ by the church's refusal to bow to secularism, the belief that secularism is an obvious truth, rather than a position that needs to be fought for (with the obvious corollary that it will have enemies, i.e., the Church).

10:28 pm  
Blogger Catherine said...

Absolutely with you on the second point, Tim (the 'new and ridiculous'), though to answer the first I feel I need to examine a little more what secularism is or claims to be in the first place. More to come.

4:14 am  

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